
Introduction to War

This blog is intended to be a guide to the many different stratagem involved in the board game, Axis & Allies 1942 edition. I chose this edition first because it is the latest installment, and secondly because the new layout of Eastern Europe, I believe the divided territories here give both sides a more equal standing, making for more interesting gameplay. After playing a handful of games with a group of 4 others I have found that the game has taken many different turns based on very small early and late game decisions. I intend on sitting down with the game by myself over an indefinite period of time to dissect every move made by the five warring nations. I plan on playing out multiple games and discussing each move. My intention is not to “try and win” with one particular nation, nor is it to always make the “obvious” or “right” move. Instead I simply plan on making different moves and watching how each game plays out. I hope you enjoy and would love to hear from you and your analysis. I encourage anyone to set up their game board to match my own to give input on different moves. Thank you.


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